Services for Your Business
The importance of achieving financial independence and financial confidence is not only critical in your personal life, but for your business as well. At Forum Wealth Management, we spend time with you to understand your vision, your values, and your goals as it relates to your business. We then take that understanding leverage the proper resources and platforms to help you reach those goals.
Get a Free Plan Analysis
Four Point Retirement Plan Review |
Plan Costs We will take an in-depth look into the costs in your plan, and benchmark them to similar plans in your industry, giving you a transparent view.
Plan Investments Our analysis will include a complete review of the current investment options in your plan, including internal costs and performance. Additionally, we will help you examine other possible investments options.
Plan Operations We will examine all of your plan documents, and Investment Policy Statement to determine the appropriateness of your current plan operations. Additionally, we will inspect your Fiduciary health.
Plan Participation Employee participation rate is extremely important to the success of your plan and to employee satisfaction. Our analysis we will help you determine strategies you can employ to increase employee enrollment.